We ship automation parts frequently from our panel shop in Havre de Grace, MD, to warehouses, manufacturing facilities, food processors, and more. Some shipments contain assembled control panels we load and secure ourselves on dedicated trucks that go straight to the destination. shipping control panels the right way We often include with those shipments crates that contain spare parts or field devices. A crate full of photo eyes, e-stop pull cords, start/stop stations, jam reset stations, beacons, pulleys, or sensors is not only valuable but critical to the success of the project.
Fortunately most of the time the crates arrive on time and the parts get where they are going. Occasionally, we hear from a client that they cannot locate the parts we shipped. A lost shipment costs money and time.
The Pendant team believes in simple solutions. Our project management team did the research and identified three steps to prevent lost shipments of parts.
- New crates that can be clearly labeled with Pendant’s logo and identification of the contents
- Stencils to identify the contents as “spare parts”, “field parts”, or “non-inventory
- Organize and pack the parts inside the crate for quick and simple identification
As you can see in the photo, the new crates are ready to go. Life just got easier for your team.
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