What’s a Timpson?

Train with live voltage

We recently shared with a conveyor handling client some details about the industry segments we will be serving in 2018.  Conveyor handling control systems will contribute almost 75% of our revenue.  But they were intrigued by one segment that we expect to make up almost 10% of our business this year.  “What’s a Timpson?” they asked.

A “Timpson” is actually a patent-pending system, developed by our close friends at Timpson, that allows for safe training of electrical utilities workers using full, live voltage up to 25,000 volts. When a trainee makes a mistake, the system de-energizes immediately, thereby limiting the current to non-lethal levels. The system also allows the training staff to track the number and types of mistakes made during training.

Fire departments train with actual burning buildings. For the same reason, the ability to expose electrical utilities trainees to live, high voltage much better prepares them for skillfully dealing with high voltage in the field.  The lack of a truly safe way to train with live voltage has prevented most utilities from getting the benefits of high voltage training.  Until now…

Check out this brief video that explains the idea concisely:

Timpson Training Yard Video

If you’re interested, or know someone who should be interested, please visit Timpson at:


Pendant Automation is proud to be partnering with Timpson to build the systems for their clients and contribute to improving safety performance in the electrical utility field.